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#【2020年翻译三级笔译实务模拟题:智者的眼睛】| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

2020年翻译三级笔译实务模拟题:智者的眼睛 更新时间:2023-06-18 08:35:22 来源:环球网校 浏览26收藏5

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“某地发现了金矿,人们一窝蜂地拥去,然而一条大河挡住了必经之路。是你,会怎么办?”考生如果怕自己错过考试报名时间和考试时间的话,可以 免费预约短信提醒,届时会以短信的方式提醒大家报名和考试时间。




How a Wise Man Sees It

Luo Weihui

A man recognized as a genius in business circles was invited as a guest of honor to a TV interview. Everybody was eager to hear a success story from him. He, however, only said with a slight smile: “Wouldn’t it be better for me to ask you for advice on a certain problem?”

Here is the problem he raised:

People all rushed to the place where a gold mine had recently been discovered, but they were blocked by a river flowing across the only way to it. What would you do if you were among them?

“Make a roundabout way,” someone suggested.

“Swim across,” said another.

The genius smiled without a word. Eventually he gave his view: “Why not do something else instead of rushing to the mine? How about buying a boat to do some ferrying?”

The audience was shocked. He explained calmly: “The man could extort money from the passengers to the greatest extent. They would have been willing to pay because there was gold on the other bank.”

Do what others would not like to do or do something never attempted before by others – that is the key to success. A straitened circumstance, in the eyes of a wise man, often means a potential chance for success.


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